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Allows the user to specify if some nodes allows texts completely in uppercase.


GlobalbooleanThe rule affects globally, to all nodes (except if the opposite is specified by config).false
DescriptionbooleanThe rule affects to the Description node.undefined (Inherits from Global)
FeaturebooleanThe rule affects to the Feature node.undefined (Inherits from Global)
RulebooleanThe rule affects to the Rule node.undefined (Inherits from Global)
BackgroundbooleanThe rule affects to the Background node.undefined (Inherits from Global)
ScenariobooleanThe rule affects to the Scenario node.undefined (Inherits from Global)
StepbooleanThe rule affects to the Step node.undefined (Inherits from Global)
ExamplebooleanThe rule affects to the Example node.undefined (Inherits from Global)
ExampleHeaderbooleanThe rule affects to the ExampleHeader node.undefined (Inherits from Global)
ExampleBodybooleanThe rule affects to the ExampleBody node.undefined (Inherits from Global)



Allows "Description", "ExampleHeader" and "ExampleBody" to be completely in uppercase, disallow the rest using "Global".

"allow-all-caps": [
"Global": false,
"Description": true,
"ExampleHeader": true,
"ExampleBody": true